目前分類:視覺效果 (111)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

圓柱形鏡影圖 Cylinder Mirror Optical Illusion              

 Anamorphosis or anamorphic cylinders illusion, "Reflection of an optical illusion"

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透視藝術 Perspective Art              

Very cool and totaly unique. The angle here is important.

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Same amount of Blue as Red 紅藍色面積都一樣大小。

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weird box 怪盒子

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搞怪臉譜之二 Inanimate faces         

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搞怪臉譜之一 Inanimate faces         

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搞怪商標 Badly designed logos

Collection of unfortunate graphical mistakes

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Kuso 創意廣告 ~ Great ads

Seeing double? Turning yourself on? Or just having a quiet drink?


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左側的圓點是五凹一凸                          右側的圓點是五凸一凹 , 對吧 ?

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Kuso 藝術廣告           

It's what YOU see that's important

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奇妙的室內藝術 Room art

以下圖片兩張一組 :

上面一張好像是隨意繪畫,下面一張顯示在某個定點角度, 將會出現的圖案。

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視覺花招 ~ 續


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多少匹狼 ? How many wolves are there ?

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視界錯覺  ~ 續篇


看見幾個立方體呢?   How many cubes do you see ? 

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方法 : 盯著圖中間的四個黑點大約三十秒, 然後把視線轉移到旁邊空白的地方牆壁上, 眨一眨眼睛, 你會看到一張臉, 是誰 ?

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Now, let's play with some words.
What do you see?

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比薩斜塔越來越斜囉! The Leaning Tower Illusion

Best Visual Illusion Contest of 2007 ~ First prize 視覺幻像比賽首獎作品

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