左側的圓點是五凹一凸 右側的圓點是五凸一凹 , 對吧 ?
Bumps or Holes?
The image on the left gives us the impression of having 5 holes and 1 bump.The image on the right looks like it has 5 bumps and 1 hole.What makes this a fascinating optical illusion is the fact that these are the exact same image.
這是個快要爆發的火山熔岩嗎? The top image seems to be a large dome,could this be a lava dome preparing to erupt?
實際上是個寧靜的火山口.This is not a lava dome,it is the Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona. The only thing done to this image was the top picture was turned upside down.
這圖片是什麼? "What on Earth" do you see in this picture?
原來是河流積雪 ! River and snow.
上面的腳印似乎是突出的 the foot prints looked as if they were raised.
說明 :
以上四組圖片兩張為一組, 原來兩圖是完全一樣的。
只是旋轉了180度, 倒過來看所產生的錯覺。
算是視覺的偏見吧 !
Two images are identical , one is turned upside down. The simple act of turning this image upside down completely changed our assessment of the image.
The reason for this is that the brain assumes that light comes from above.For centuries the best light source was the sun ( came from above ) . Now we have various sources of light but one thing most of them have in common is that designers typically put all major light sources above us. This is a very strong predisposition on our part. Thus we view shadows and light with the assumption that the light is coming from above.