方法 : 盯著圖中間的四個黑點大約三十秒, 然後把視線轉移到旁邊空白的地方或牆壁上, 再眨一眨眼睛, 你會看到一張臉, 是誰 ?
What you should do for the black and white optical illusion image above:
Stare at the center of the image above for at least 30 seconds. Then look at a blank white wall, or a peice of paper. What do you see?
下面一圖也用同樣方法, 因為有色彩所以可能費時久一些, 你又看見誰了?
Now, instead of black and white, lets try color! For the first optical illusion image above you are looking at a human face straight on. Even though it is much more fuzzy of a picture, your mind has an easier time filling in the blanks. Can you tell who this man with a beard is above?
下面一圖大家都看懂吧 ?
耶穌 對抗 撒旦 Jesus versus Satan | |
答案出來了吧 !
讓我們同聲唱 CHOIR Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Who are you? What have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ Superstar, Do you think you're what they say you are? ..........
再跟著唱一曲 Jingle bells 好了。
First picture: Jesus 耶穌
On this page you'll see that the after image of the black and white image above is much stronger than the one in color below. Take your time, sometimes it takes an additional 20 seconds before your eyes can really focus on the after image. The image looks similar to the shroud of turin, which is another famous face of jesus.
Second picture: Santa 聖誕老人
It isn't just any old man, it's Santa! You may need to stare at the Santa optical illusion longer than you stared at the Jesus optical illusion in order for the after image to be visible to your eye.
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Superstar (20)
Jesus Christ Superstar - 26 - Superstar
Jesus Christ Superstar - 30 - Encore Superstar-Hosanna
Jesus Superstar 搞笑版