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萬聖節變装秀一 Craziest Halloween Costumes 1              

Men's Baywatch Costume

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萬聖節變装秀 ~ 嬰兒篇 Cutest Baby Costumes for Halloween              



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搞怪保險套 The Wackiest Condoms ever              

Pikachu condom 神奇寶貝

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搞怪奶罩 Most Creative Bizarre Bras              

The Goldfish Bra

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搞怪摩托車 Unusual Bikes                  

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搞怪腳踏車二 Unusual Bikes              

World's Tallest Bike, 18 foot tall, created by Terry Goertzen.

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搞怪腳踏車一 Unusual Bikes              

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搞怪廁所二  ~  小便斗篇              

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搞怪廁所一  ~  馬桶篇              

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Art in the air

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Japanese painted train wagons

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Japanese painted train wagons

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腦力大激盪 ~ 這是什麼東東?              

What is this strange and intriguing thing?

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監獄旅館 Hotel Jail              


Believe it or not, it’s your decision. This hotel located in the City of Kaiserlzutern, Germany. Like in jail,         customer sleep in a cell and the window have bars. In any case, it is weird but in here you can have your        freedom.

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離婚蛋糕‏ 續續              

Divorce Cakes

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Austria’s Five-Star Prison ~ Unusual Jail

The Austrian 5-Star Jail Justizzentrum Leoben. They really care about their prisoner, isn’t it?

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Hello Kitty 迷              

Most Extreme Gadgets Inspired by Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty Diamond Jewelry

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The Google Maps alphabet UK: an A to Z of the British Isles

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搞怪廁所標誌 續              

Creative and Funny Toilet Signs

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